Karl Bermes
GeschäftsführungFrank Felten
Technische LeitungKevin Sonne
Stellvertretender Geschäftsführer,Vertrieb
Monika Behles
VertriebPatrick Mohr
VertriebClaudia Bermes
Assistenz der GeschäftsleitungPatrick Mohr
The man at the source of the fire: Patrick Mohr
It’s in his blood: firefighting. When Patrick Mohr doesn’t deal with fire prevention as part of his profession, he is the fire chief of the local fire department. He knows the equipment inside out. As a trained mechanical engineer and experienced production and assembly manager, he gained deep insights how devices work. It’s this profound knowledge he benefits from in sales. As he is also a technical business economist, you can be assured that the calculations are immaculate.
e-mail: mohr.patrick@fiwarec.de
tel: +49(0)65 02/93 95 12-35